Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Pre-Holiday Musings

The city is really gearing up into holiday mode—Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Christmas! Among the highlights:

- The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is celebrating its 80th march through Manhattan this year. The weather report does not look good for the giant balloons—rain and high winds are forecast. Still, I am going to head over to the Museum of Natural History, where they blow up the balloons between 3 and 10pm today, to see what I can see. (check back for pictures)

- David Blaine has teamed up with Target and plans to suspend himself over Times Square. As the stunt goes, he will try to free himself from shackles attaching him to gyroscope. If he does so before the "Target 2-Day Sale" on Black Friday then 100 kids, in connection with the Salvation Army, get to go on a shopping spree. Perhaps I will pay Mr. Blaine a visit later this afternoon!

- Charmin Toilet Paper has set up 20 fancy, public toilets at Times Square that will be open between now and New Years Eve. Even the mayor thinks this is a great idea for the “restroom challenged city.” Apparently the city has plans for public pay toilets (a la City Toilette in Berlin) but those won’t be installed until next year.

- The New York Times has issued etiquette recommendations to get you through the holidays. They gave 25 recommendations. Among my favorites:
1.Don’t talk politics at the table, tell off-color jokes or reignite old family feuds. (Politics usually has to be a no-go zone with my family, but as for jokes, bring ‘em on!)

2.Don’t talk on your cell phone or send text messages during the gathering. (okay, fine, I will leave my Blackberry in the kitchen.)

3.If it is your custom to say grace before dinner, by all means do so. But don’t force people to hold hands or say “Amen.” (good to remember.)

4.Lipstick may be applied at the table if only close friends or family are present, and even then ask politely before you whip out Midnight Mocha. (I vehemently disagree with this)

5.It doesn’t really matter which way dishes are passed, as long as they all head in the same direction. But to be technically correct, pass to the right (why this is always so difficult?)

Save travels, if you are heading out today or tomorrow. Good luck cooking the turkey if you are staying home...Gobble, gobble;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! The best we have to offer is the "Santa Parade" around the Capitol. Maybe we could get the Governator to hang suspended over the dome to fund more PE classes in schools...

Happy Thanksgiving!

6:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, we had some tragedies at Barb & Larry's this weekend when we had some items passed in different directions at the same time. Barb then declared that clockwise was the official way to do it. So it sounds like she's running afoul of the New York Times! I may need to investigate this one...

9:43 AM  
Blogger Erin said...

uhoh, New York Times versus Aunt Barb. My money's on Aunt Barb, though I really did read that in the paper on Wednesday.

1:59 PM  

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