Friday, March 02, 2007

A picture says it all

I've been monitoring the last week or so ahead of my trip to London that starts tomorrow. Now I knew that I wasn't going to hit 10 days of sunshine, but I was hoping for a bit of diversity in the 10-day outlook. That doesn't appear to be in the cards.
The forecast:


On the upside, I decided this morning that I should buy a pair of Wellies/galoshes/rain boots while in London. With such rainy weather in the forecast, such a purchase might become a necessity:-)

New York Adventures will continue in London as soon as I find an internet connection.

Until then...toodlepip!


Blogger Erica said...

Have a great trip, Erin!! (And I'll try to get the guidebooks to Katie before she leaves -- they're still at my parents' house, but I can get them on Sunday.)

Sorry about the crappy weather forecast, but hopefully Rachel and I have given you enough indoor ideas to keep busy!!

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erin - Have a fun trip! A friend of mine was just in NYC and came back to report that everyone was wearing cool rubber boots - pick some up in London and you will look cool in the UK and NYC! bjs

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the rainy weather in London. You bring sunshine where ever you go!!!
G&G says so!!!

7:12 PM  

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