Thursday, October 12, 2006


Thanks to those who emailed/called/commented on the blog to make sure I was safe and sound after yesterday’s plane crash. While I do work on the East Side, I was 20 blocks away and don’t work in a sky-scraper. In my opinion, yesterday’s accident is just one more reason to find a brownstone in Brooklyn! (And okay, let’s face facts; there is no way I could afford an apartment in an Upper East Side high-rise:-)) You could not see any smoke from my office, but a steady stream of rescue vehicles screamed past the building all afternoon long. First were the police cars, followed by the rescue vehicles, followed by crime scene investigation trucks. NYC’s finest seemed to be well organized and able to mobilize in a hurry!

Incidentally, I was in the subway last week when a subway official began announcing to riders that “due to a bomb scare,” the 4-5-6 train had been temporarily shut down. The people around me seemed unconcerned. The shut-down was more inconvenient during the evening commute that anything else. Nevertheless, "Mr. Bomb Scare" was only able to broadcast his message a few times before "Miss Don’t Cause Mass Panic" began announcing that due to a “security situation” the 4-5-6 train was not running. Yeah, I think everyone needs to be on the same page regarding what NOT to announce to thousands of evening commuters!


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