Daily Horoscope
I think I like what the Daily News has to say better than the Post.
NY Daily News:
Happy birthday, Gemini! Being social, and mixing and meeting with people is a Gemini specialty - one you do extremely well. Couple this with an amicable business manner, and you have a winning formula. However, even though you love to be everyone's new best friend, be prepared this year to let some people vacate life to make room for new acquaintances. It's a year of endings, which will open the door for beginnings.
NY Post:
May 24, 2007 -- By all means try new and exciting things over the coming 12 months but be wary of people who try to push you into experiences you don't really feel comfortable with. A Mars-Neptune aspect on your birthday warns you are easily led, which might sometimes be fun but could also end in disaster.
NY Daily News:
Happy birthday, Gemini! Being social, and mixing and meeting with people is a Gemini specialty - one you do extremely well. Couple this with an amicable business manner, and you have a winning formula. However, even though you love to be everyone's new best friend, be prepared this year to let some people vacate life to make room for new acquaintances. It's a year of endings, which will open the door for beginnings.
NY Post:
May 24, 2007 -- By all means try new and exciting things over the coming 12 months but be wary of people who try to push you into experiences you don't really feel comfortable with. A Mars-Neptune aspect on your birthday warns you are easily led, which might sometimes be fun but could also end in disaster.
Happy Birthday, Erin!!!!
Happy Birthday!!
7:17 am.....
the hour
on the 24th May!!!
Happy Birthday to our ELT
Love you, Mom oxoxoxo
Liebe Erin,
herzliche Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag!
an einem schwülen Abend in Berlin :-)
Hope you're doing something fun to celebrate. Happy birthday!!!
hi erin! happy birthday from berlin! take care in the big city, matthias
Thanks everyone! Indeed my birthday evening was PERFECT:-) Talk to you all soon!
I agree - details are definitely in order. And a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY, too. Sorry... I was enroute to the Lone Star state!
I owe you a b-day libation next week in Sacto... maybe that'll loosen up those lips so you'll be primed for some "sharing" time!
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